Monday 2 May 2011

Bin Laden, Kya Hoga?

So, the most wanted man in the whole world is finally dead!!! Now what? Will terrorism end with his death? I doubt so. As good as the news may sound, but there is a dark fear in the pit of my stomach, the fear of what will happen next. How will the Islamic extremists take this news. Will the be revenge for his death is the question that propped in my head as soon as I heard the news on television. We have to agree that as much as he was hated by the peace-loving nations and its people, he was a hero for the Islamic jihads. The American people celebrating on one side of the world and another group of people mourning for his death at the same time.
President Obama hit the jackpot with this achievement under his belt but question is does he feel safer after taking down the most notorious terrorist down?
The world after all is still not a safer place.

Friday 29 April 2011

To Aku Namsey with love.

My dear dear Aku Namsey,

I miss you so much and I hope you know. I hope that you know that you are not forgotten and never will be until I die. There were so many time when you were alive and in good health that I wondered, what I would do if something happened to you. How am I going to live without you and your love. There were many times when even the thought of losing you would bring tears to my eyes. Since you and I were old fashioned Tibetans, I never got the chance to tell you how much I loved you. What you meant to me, to my parents, to my brothers and sister. And the fact that we weren't even blood related but shared so much love makes you even more valuable to me. You came from being (Phayul chikpa- its what we tibetans call who are from the same region or village in tibet) who shared my father and uncles fate in running away from the Chinese a very long time back, to being like a father  to my father who was very young at that time, to then being our most beloved uncle who holds a most special place in our hearts. You will be remembered a looooong time. Even though you are not alive today, my kid who is very young to understand any of this, will know you through me. I have no doubt that you are at peace today in death. After all you had a very adventurous and complete life. But we miss you very very much and can never forget you.
You know it really saddened me when you used to say that we will not love you as much when you are old and dripping from your mouth. So I made it a point in my life to prove you wrong. I am very very happy that in your final moments, we were there to take care of you. To wipe away your face when you couldn't, to look after you, to clean your bed when you were too sick to get up and go to the toilet. Everything was sheer joy and I hope that you are happy to be proven wrong. Even though I seem to be busy in our own life with husband and kid and ignorant of how much you worried for me. I knew my dear uncle, I knew just how much you worried for me. Even though you lost the power of speech when you were sick, I heard you, your joy in hearing that we were doing good in our lives. The faint smile on your face when we told you about our daily lives, about how good my husband is and how my kid is growing up, especially when I told you how nice my mother in law is treating me because that was one of your biggest worries. That satisfied nod with a faint smile make me very happy that your worries are a little bit less for me after seeing everything going smooth for after marriage and a kid.
It was very cute of you to sew that diaper for my son from the clothes cut out from the warmest part of your quilt. I still have that today as the most valuable gift from you. Did you know that I felt so special and lucky to have an uncle like you on top of my parents to love and care for us like you did. I eat away my friends and husband's ears, telling them stories about you, how in many many small ways you showed your love. I would go on and on until they got bored by listening to me talk about you.
Today you are not here, but I am pretty sure that you are someplace better and looking upon us. I try to make my life a better one each day as I know that you would have loved that. I talk to you time and again, I kiss your photo whenever I miss you. I love you with all my heart and will love you forever. I miss you my dear Aku Namsey.

Monday 18 April 2011


what is on my mind today.

Really its not that hard to achieve nirvana. ha! there I said it. I am a flat mouth, big mouth whatever mouth but I am saying it. Its not me being arrogant and saying I know it all. Its just me letting out what I feel most of the days but am too scared to say it out loud because of what people will think. but this is my space and I am saying what I would like to say. It feels like talking to myself in a mirror with a slight possibility that somebody might be evesdropping, but with my permission. You can read it and tell me to shut the fuck up, or tell me if you like it or tell me something in return or just read it.
So I was saying that its not that hard to achieve nirvana if you really understand it. You only have to just a tad bit detached from the world, its worldly attractions, distractions, the wonderful ups and the saddening downs and the evermore wonderful ups after the downs :-). I think I finally understood compassion at this point of time. I felt it countless times but never got around to recognizing that feeling to be compassion. But everytime I felt it, it wrenched my soul shook my whole body and left me with a saddness in my heart to see the karmic world rotate with all the good and bad deeds of the people like us. People with different names, faces but with the same fate awaiting them.
My journey of realizations started with a book I read. "City of Joy" thats the book I read when I was in school and since then it has made home in my thoughts. It tells the story about a poor indian family in calcutta who are driven to the city by hopeless state in their village, drought, famine, debts, more debts, people commiting suicide around them. They come to the city with nothing but hearts filled with hope. They work their asses off, suffers atrocities. I felt that though the book was telling the story of one family, it kind of related with the majority of people we see daily on the streets. I literally cried through many chapters in the book. So now when I see poor people on the roadside doing the hardest jobs but making very little for all the hardwork, sweat and blood they put it, it breaks my heart. If it was just one person suffering like that, then I would have gone out of the way to make this world a better, smoother place for them. But there are so many of them, each one with a sadder story to tell that it breaks my heart. Apart from giving a few ruppees one can do nothing more than that. But in all the hopelessness, there is one thing we can do, one thing that we have been taught to do since we were little, is to feel their sorrow and pray for them. So at the risk of sounding hypocritical and all, I am telling here what I do. I pray, I pray hard for them. I pray that their life gets a little better. If not in this life then in another life maybe that these people experience happiness, wellness and abundance. And there is another thing I do which I totally have the power to do is smile at them, talk to them nicely. Treat them nicely like actual human being in the hope of making the smallest of difference in their lives.

After attending many teachings, I came to realize that what I felt at those times was compassion. Its when we act on those compassion and give up everything we got to relieve them of their pains and attain the highest degree of satisfaction and happiness in doing so is when we achieve Nirvana. Thats my theory, it may not be exactly right but I know in my heart that it is not entirely wrong also. :)